Thursday, November 4, 2010

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Usability and Interface Design Short Course

The three day Certificate Short Course on EHR Usability and Interface Design provides advanced training to team leaders, architects and managers of EHR implementation projects in designing and developing EHRs that improve patient safety, efficiency and user satisfaction.

Please see the brochure for the Short Course at

Dates: January 19-21, 2011 (three days)
Time: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Short Course Cost: $1,500 (Includes continental breakfast lunch, and afternoon snack as well as all instructional materials (provided on a flash drive at beginning of course.)

Location: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)
University Center Tower (UCT)
7000 Fannin, 14th Floor, Room 1414
Houston, TX 77030  Google Map

Register By Check: Please visit

Register By Credit Card: Please visit

Who should attend?

Those involved in designing, developing, maintaining and implementing EHRs including:

  • EHR developers and programmers
  • EHR designers
  • EHR software quality assurance personnel
  • Information Technologists charged with assisting the EHR acquisition process
  • Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals
  • Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Introducing SHARPC to EHR Vendors

What:  Introducing SHARPC to EHR Vendors

When:  November 2, 2010

Time:  1pm – 2pm Central Standard Time

Delivery method: WebEx

Come learn about the exciting opportunities of working with  the SHARPC program to improve your EMR systems! SHARPC is an ONC funded Research and Development Program focusing on Patient-Centered Cognitive Support for the adoption and meaningful use of HIT.

Meeting invite with further instructions to follow.

For more information, please contact:

Joseph Hinojosa
Administrative Coordinator
National Center for Cognitive Informatics and Decision Making in Healthcare
School of Biomedical Informatics
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
713.486.0123 office
713.486.01177 fax


Monday, October 18, 2010


We've created this blog to inform you about the activities of  SHARPC.
We will post information about the ongoing activities here at SHARPC and offer you opportunities to be notified by Twitter and FaceBook, if you choose.
Here is some background information about SHARPC.
An Overview of SHARPC  (
Please contact Paul Wood at for more information.