[From another SHARP - SMART headquartered at Harvard]
Make your contribution to the health of the nation by creating an innovative health app!
SMART (www.smartplatforms.org) is one of four Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) funded by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. SMART was conceived to address the real-world need for responsiveness and innovation in health information technology by empowering existing electronic medical records (EHRs) and personally-controlled health records (PCHRs) to accept substitutable apps.
Currently, innovation in health informatics is limited by disparate vendor APIs and ambiguous data standards. Deploying an application against multiple vendor systems requires massive customization efforts that don¹t scale. SMART provides a common API to access patient records, fueling apps with rich, unambiguous data. This will open up the market of health IT to a new cadre of developers who can write a SMART app once and deploy it inside multiple EMRs and PCHRs.
Our objective is to lower the barriers to creating apps for health, so that you, the developer, can focus on your great ideas!
If you're interested in learning more, supporting us, and participating, go to http://challenge.gov/challenges/134
This is a good common sense Blog. Very helpful to one who is just finding the resources about this part. It will certainly help educate me. Argan Oil